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President Somchai and his delegation from Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand, visited Nanning University for exchanges

时间:2024-03-07    作者:    点击:

On the morning of March 7, a group of more than 60 people led by President Somchai of Srinakharinwirot University in Thailand visited our university.

Vice President GongJiof NanningUniversityaccompanied the delegation to visit the Art Gallery, Guangxi China-ASEAN Comprehensive Transportation International Joint Key Laboratory and ICT Industry-Education Integration Innovation Base. Aftercampus tour, the two sides held ameetingin the conference room of the administrative building.

During the meeting,PresidentLi Dongxueexpressed his warm welcome toDr. Somchai, President of Srinakharinwirot University and his delegation, and introduced the history and current situation of NanningUniversity. Hementionedthat, China and Thailand have deep friendship, Guangxiservedas an important gateway for the organic connection of "Belt and Road" and Nanningisthe permanent host of China-ASEAN Expo, the two universities have natural geographical advantages in cooperation. He looked forward to the comprehensive and in-depth cooperation between the twosidesin the areas of talent cultivation, facultyconstruction, scientific research cooperation, and so on.

President Somchai thanked President Li Dongxuefor his invitation and the warm reception of teachers and students, and introduced the schooling situation of Srinakharinwirot University. He saidthat NanningUniversityis a well-known institution in Guangxi, and hoped that the two universities could carry out cooperation in depth.

Mr. Prit Supasetsiri, Vice President for International Relations and Communications inSrinakharinwirot University,said that there were two purposes of his visit, one was to formally sign a memorandum of cooperation between the two universities with NanningUniversity, and the other was to exchange information on the ways of cooperation between representatives of the leadership of the two sides. He proposed to explore with NanningUniversitya number of cooperation programs such as 3+1 dual degree undergraduate, exchange students, summer camps and so on.

Vice President GongJiput forward a five-point proposal on the future cooperation between the two universities, hoping that the two universities will carry out student exchange, undergraduate course transplantation, joint training of master's degree students, faculty exchange visits and scientific research cooperation.

After the meeting, President Li Dongxueand President Somchai of Srinakharinwirot University signed the Memorandum of Cooperation between NanningUniversityand Srinakharinwirot University.

Heads of the President's Office, Development Planning and CooperationandExchange Office, Scientific Research Office, Academic Affairs Office, and relevantfacultiesparticipated in theabove events.

Vice President GongJiof NanningUniversityaccompanied President Somchai of Srinakharinwirot University to visit the campus.

The meeting

Welcome speech by Dr. Li Dongxue, President of Nanning University

Speech by President Somchai of Srinakharinwirot University

Signing ofMemorandums ofUnderstanding
